This is a list of the categories of cookies used in our website and why we use them.
These cookies are set to provide the service, application or resource requested. Without these cookies, your request cannot be properly delivered. They are usually set to manage actions made by you, such as requesting website visual elements, pages resources or due user login/logoff. We can also use these cookies to set up essential functionalities to guarantee the security and efficiency of the service requested, like authentication and load balancer request.
__stripe_sid | Cookie used by Stripe to prevent fraud, Stripe is our payment provider. |
__stripe_mid | Cookie used by Stripe to prevent fraud, Stripe is our payment provider. |
saml_session | The saml session cookie is used to maintain your session when authenticating on the site using saml. |
cookieconsent | The cookie consent cookie is used to store your cookie consent preferences. |
csfrtoken | The CSRF token is used to protect the site from CSRF attacks. |
sessionid | The session cookie is used to maintain your session when authenticating on the site. |
These cookies are set to provide quantitative measures of website visitors. Information collected with these cookies is used in operations to measure website or software KPIs, such as performance. With the usage of these cookies we are able to count visits and traffic sources to improve the performance of our site and application.
_ga_PW9RSET80J | The cookie is used by Google Analytics to uniquely identify users, track their sessions, and analyze website traffic to provide insights like visitor behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates. |
_ga | The cookie is used by Google Analytics to uniquely identify users, track their sessions, and analyze website traffic to provide insights like visitor behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates. |